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We are so excited that we have secured our Town Hall meeting to discuss openly and in full transparency the changes we have recently encountered at our home church. Nearly 450 of you have requested this meeting and we appreciate your support and love of our Church Community!
Date: Sunday March 23rd 5PM (Doors open at 4:30)
Location: Dana Point Community Center
No RSVPs Needed - Everyone is invited so pass this invite along to others
Key Details:
We are looking forward to coming together in love, truth, and transparency as we believe this is what Jesus wants of us and our church. This will be an insightful event, a celebration of the church we have loved for many years and a time to reconnect.
We will continue to pray for this event and ask you to do the same.
We can’t wait to see you at the Town Hall Meeting!
To download the flyer invitation to send to your friends click the VIEW FLYER button below.
Click the "View the Resignation Letters" button to read the letters as a printable pdf.
Good news - the date, time, and location of the town hall meeting will be announced this week and we will send out an email and post it to the website!
After over 400 people signed the petition requesting a town hall meeting, we officially wrote to the CBC board and requested to use our sanctuary. Ideally it would have been best to host a meeting about the future of our church AT our church, but unfortunately the Board denied our request. At first the Board cited Craig's privacy concerns as the reason for refusing the use of our sanctuary. So, Craig sent the Board a letter telling them that he planned to attend the town hall to answer questions and hoped that the Board would attend as well. The Board, made up of only six people, will not allow the more than 400 people who signed the petition the opportunity to use their own church. The church that they have built through their volunteering and tithing.
We have received an outpouring of support from the local community offering prayer and use of various facilities for a town hall. We wanted to pass along to you a generous and unsolicited offer from a nearby church to host our town hall. Below is the email we received:
Dear CBC Truth,
I wanted to extend an offer to hold your town hall for the Capo Beach Church members at our facility. We are a local church and have no skin in the game, but I am a former member of CBC and always loved and appreciated the vision and community Craig has created.
I spoke to our minister, who affirmed that we would love to provide your church community a place to come together as your church goes forward. This would be totally separate from our church, just a building to use with the view that the church is not a board. The church is the body of Christ. He is the head of the church, and we are here to serve. Part of how people serve, of course, is serving on the board, which is very important. That being said, in trusting God’s lead, if your members of CBC want your voices heard, and to genuinely have an open discussion amongst your community on how to best listen to the spirit and find solutions that God is directing, then we can offer space in our building for you to do that ... should you need a place.
Please let me know and I appreciated your clear sharing of events. I really feel for all, and Craig.
In preparation for the town hall meeting we would like you to email us any questions that you have. You are welcome and encouraged to also send these questions to the Board. If the Board does respond please forward us any responses. Our email is:
In the wake of yet another resignation of a CBC staff member this week and to continue to add context we wanted to share the resignation letters (with their approval of course) of Lori Smith, Payroll and Human Resources Administrator at CBC for 20 years and Jennifer Chapman, Accounting Director and Lead Pastor Assistant at CBC for 14 years.
These resignations can be downloaded for print by clicking "View as PDF" below
OR to read here keep scrolling down.
We received this video of support from Dr. Chuck Balsamo, founder of the Destiny Family Center in Virginia who put together the collaboration between World Vision and the Asheville, North Carolina Dream Center in the relief efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene. Dr. Chuck shares many encouraging insights regarding the current situation at CBC and speaks to the heart of our congregation.
Hello CBC Truth Seekers!
Sunday, February 9th, the CBC board of directors handed out a letter from the connect center for people that had questions or complaints. In our opinion, their attempt to provide clarity and smooth over recent events with this letter fell short of that purpose and did not provide accurate details of why so many people are calling for a town-hall meeting and what has been transpiring over the past several months. What many have said is a ‘lack of transparency’ from the newly formed leadership is what prompted us to respond, in truth, regarding the ongoing current situation at Capo Beach Church.
In our passionate desire to shine light into what appears to be darkness that has overtaken our church home, we have dissected the board's letter and added honest background information as well as factual, defendable truths.
In His service,
CBC concerned and faithful members
Our fact based response can be downloaded for print by clicking "View as PDF" below
OR to read the update keep scrolling down.
Below is the letter from the CBC Board handed out to congregation on February 9, 2025. Our response above addressed this letter paragraph by paragraph.
Letter from CBC Board to CBC Congregation February 9, 2025 (PDF)
DownloadFebruary 6, 2025
Greetings Capo Beach Church Family and the over 300 of you that have signed the petition!
Thank you so much for signing the petition to bring truth into the light about recent changes in OUR church. We have been working feverishly to come up with a solution for all of us as a church to come together to discuss the future of Capo Beach Church in FULL TRANSPARENCY at a Town Hall meeting. Everyone will be invited, including members of the congregation, CBC staff, Spiritual Leadership Team, the Board of Directors, and of course, Matt Whitlock and Craig Whittaker.
The only thing that will truly heal and unite us is truth in love with the power of the Holy Spirit to lend us all discernment.
We’ve heard many of you say that the lack of transparency from the Spiritual Leadership Team, Board of Directors, and Matt himself had generated significant confusion and a breech of trust. The remedy is to allow the facts to speak for themselves, empowering the spirit of truth between the congregation and the leadership with nothing to hide. We agree with this whole-heartedly. We pledge to present the truth, and provide any answers we have to the entire congregation, regardless of your position on the future direction of CBC.
We believe a “Town-Hall” style meeting is an absolute biblical imperative for a healthy outcome in our current dynamic. We will be reaching out in the next week or so with more information regarding possible locations, dates and times. As always, may the Lord bless you and your family and be praying for a godly outcome.
Keep in mind that challenges with email lists going to spam folders or being kicked-back can occur. Please check back regularly to as all updates will also be posted there.
Remember the following:
The Bible emphasizes transparency, honesty, and accountability within the church. Here are some key principles in keeping you and members of our congregation informed about church matters:
1. Honesty & Integrity:
2. Accountability in Leadership:
3. Transparency in Stewardship:
4. Avoiding Secrets That Breed Distrust:
5. Wisdom in Communication:
The Bible supports transparency in church matters, especially regarding finances, leadership, and decision-making. However, wisdom should be exercised to share information in a way that is edifying and maintains trust.
Call to Action
If you haven’t already, please make your thoughts known to the CBC Board of Directors. We recommend emailing via copying and pasting the list below. Please be sure to include our cbctruth2025 email address so we can remain in the loop with your feedback.;;;;;;;
The members of the CBC Board are:
Thank you,
Concerned Members of CBC that have loved and served our church for many years!
Below is the handout that we handed out outside the doors at CBC on February 2nd.
Keep scrolling to view each page.
Please note the emails to the board and leadership team referenced in the below handout are no longer valid.
We encourage you to email the board. The Board's emails and the CBC truth email can be copied and pasted from here:;;;;;;
Town Hall Meeting Scheduled! Everyone is invited!